Ep. 26 Deepdive: Metabolic Capacity and Reverse Dieting

  • Who started it?
  • Purposes of a reverse diet (differences between competition and gen pop clients who have been at low calories for years or those who simply reach their goal weight and want to maintain) – metabolism, hormones…
  • What is the mechanism of it (i.e. how does our metabolism adapt to more food when weight often stays the same)?
  1. How to Reverse Diet 
  • What sort of increase are we talking about (percentage of total cals roughly)?
  • How frequently do we increase
  • Increase through carbs or fats or both and why?
  1. When do you know you have “finished” reverse dieting, i.e. how do you know you have reached maintenance?
  1. How much fat do we expect to gain if any?
  1. Helpful mindset tips when embarking on a reverse diet (addressing fear of gaining weight or simply eating more)
  1. Examples of impactful or memorable reverse dieting clients from our time coaching?


John’s Reverse Dieting Book- https://www.amazon.com/stores/John-Gorman/author/B012QI3R44?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

PHAT Muscle Supps- www.phatmuscleproject.com 


IG: @teamgorman

Email: john@team-gorman.net


IG: @nutritioncoachingandlife 

Email: lisa@nutritioncoachingandlife.com

Website: www.nutritioncoachingandlife.com