Ep. 42 – Boost Testosterone Naturally! The Ultimate Guide to Maximum T-Levels  

Learn how to naturally boost your testosterone levels with our ultimate guide! Discover the best strategies, supplements, and lifestyle changes to maximize your T-levels and optimize your overall health. Say goodbye to low energy, decreased muscle mass, and reduced libido – it’s time to take control of your testosterone production and feel your best self again! Watch now to learn how to achieve maximum T-levels the natural way.  See show notes below:

  1. Risks of low T:
  • Reduced muscle mass and strength
  • Decreased bone density
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Mood changes
  • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease
  1. What exactly is Testosterone and what markers should we test for?

Sex hormone that helps regulate sex drive, bone mass, fat distribution, muscle mass and strength, recovery, drive and motivation, production of red blood cells and sperm for men.

Free Test helps your body recover, grow, hold onto muscle, and much more.

BOTH measurements are crucial to know for physique enhancement.

  1. What are some good values?
  • Total Test Men- 280-1100 ng/dl.  Men: at least 500 or above for physique enhancement.
  • Total Test Women- 8-60 ng/dl or 8-48 ng/dl.  Ideally 20 or higher.
  • Free Test Men- 4.1-23 ng/dl. Ideally 12-18 or more.
  • Free Test Women- .2-2.6 pg/ml or 0-4.2 pg/ml.  
  1. Why do total Testosterone Levels drop?
  • Age, genetics, constant dieting, stress and cortisol, and I have seen most people obese for a long time end up on HRT.
  • Number 1 reason I see lower test levels- CORTISOL chronically high.
  • When cortisol is chronically HIGH, your body makes more cortisol and LESS testosterone. (and other hormones like thryoid, progresterone, etc)
  • Lower body fat levels, even staying “too lean”
  • Chronic dieting, not enough time spent letting hormones get back to a healthy state.
  • Stepping on stage.  It will take most people 4-5 months to get back to a normal levels.  Too many people try and diet again when they aren’t recovered.
  1. Why do Free Testosterone Levels Drop?
  • As total drops, so will Free T.
  • You might also see on labs Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) go up, when this happens Free T goes DOWN. Stress causes SHBG to be high which then lowers FREE T.
  • SHBG ranges- 14-95 nmol/L (you want mid of the road)
  • Genetics
  • The lower your Free T, the less muscular you will look and have the ability to build muscle.
  • Dieting down I often see these folks wither away, even with a decent Total T
  1. Dieting with Low Testosterone and why it’s a mistake.
  1. Saliva Test
  • START w/ Cortisol.  Get a 4 point saliva test.
  • Ranges on 4 Pt Life Extension Saliva:
  • AM- 14.0 – 25.0 nmol/L
  • Noon- 5.0– 10.0 nmol/L
  • Evening- 2.0 – 5.0 nmol/L
  • Night- 1.0 – 4.0 nmol/L
  • Blood reading not the best
  • Ranges depend on brand of test kit
  • AM- 6.2 – 19.4   PM- 2.3 – 11.9 ug/dl  etc 
  1. Ways to increase Testosterone naturally:
  • Healthy body fat levels & exercise (deload weeks)
  • Macros, hydration & food quality
  • SLEEP (the dangers of mouth breathing) & stress management
  • Temperature (cold exposure & temperature of gonads)
  • Supplements (Ashwagandha & Rhodiola which lower SHBG and Cortisol, Tongka Ali, Vitamin D, DHEA)
  • Boost test with DAA, Chrysin, Boost Free T with DIM and Boron, Dosing with high enough amounts is key.
  1. What about HRT
  • Personal choice, talk to your doctor.
  • It’s recommended to get natural levels as high as possible and see where they settle.
  • Health > Competing in natural feds. 
  • Injections, cream, oral, pellets in that order are the most reliable.
  • Cortisol will be lower in general due to test levels being dictated by outside source.
  • This is medicine administered at doses to get you to normal or upper levels, not blasting cycles

Bottom Line:

  • You can take all the supps in the world, but if stress is high due to work, relationships, training, etc your test levels likely wont improve.  It’s not that the supps don’t work, or these recommendations, your cortisol and normal life routine are the likely causes.  And sometimes that’s ok and we cant fix a stressful job, or kids setting off messes in the house daily or just seasons of life.
  • 9/10 success rate with clients, but the 1/10 is always something unchangeable.
  • Most I see with little improvement are entrepreneurs, school teachers, nurses, lots of kiddos and people with a lot of animals believe it or not.  Burning candle both ends.


PHAT Muscle Supps- www.phatmuscleproject.com 


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